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Email: mvrlandscaping@gmail.com
120-5033 Four springs
Mississauga Ontario
Interlocking, Grading & Landscaping Specialists
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Fire pit and retaining wall built with pisa2 from Unilock.

Garden wall built with pisa2 stone from Unilock.

This is a bare concrete porch. Wire will be ran through inside the concrete and then natural stone will be cemented on.

After picture of a Natural stone porch. Lighting used came from in-lite. Wire is ran inside the cement by cutting it through prior to install.

Before picture of a future grand entrance. There will be a knee high sitting wall, walkway and lighting inside the natural stone.

After picture of Grand entrance front steps. Lighting from In-lite is inside the wall and steps. Banas Natural stone for the porch and steps is cemented on. The wall is made from Raffinato and the pavers are blu 60 from Techo-bloc.

Front grand entrance in Mississauga. Stone for walkway is blu 60 and the retaining wall is Raffinato from Techo-bloc. Lighting was provided by In-lite and the natural stone is from Banas stone. This job was located in Mississauga.

Another angle of this before picture of Natural stone front steps.

Different angle of these front Natural stone steps. Lighting is from In-lite and the wall and coping is called Raffinato from Techo-bloc.